My son received his first Look Inside book for his 3rd birthday. It was the one about cars. Usually, he is not the type of kid who wants to read the same book over and over again... That is, until this book! He just loves to look under all the little flaps and discover the surprises hidden within, and, if I’m being honest, I love it too. The pictures are so well done. Some even resemble live animations. As you turn the flaps over, you can actually see the movement of the images.
The Look Inside books contain flaps within flaps, tabs you can pull or turn to discover more information, and even half pages you can open up to make the illustrations bigger… with yet more flaps on those pages too! These books just keep on giving.
My husband and I bought our son Look Inside Airports for our flight back home after the holidays, and I swear he spent half the trip totally engrossed in it. It was so much fun showing him how everything worked at the airport while being at the airport, not to mention a great tool for passing the time.
The thing I love about this series is that the books are not only beautifully illustrated, but also very well written. They contain tons of interesting information that open the door to many interesting and educational conversations with your little one.
Do you own any Usborne Look Inside books? We would love to hear which ones are your favorites... Share with us in the comments below.
Happy reading!
1 comment
Our family loves the look inside books! Our favorite is the “space” book but now MUST get the car one you featured here!